Tucker “turncoat” Carlson

This a-hole is such a traitor.. one minute he loves Trump, the next he hates him. He praises Putin, then condemns his actions in Ukraine. He only says and supports what will get him ratings.

Turncoat Carlson loves Putin so much, he interviewed him, praised him, and handed him “Putin Propaganda” victory. This puts strain on our already fragile relationship with Russia, and sows misleading information and doubt about US official intelligence among American citizens. This loser is dangerous and should not be spreading Kremlin propaganda.

Not a patriot, not a US hero for exposing anything. He’s a proven lier and traitor.



That’s a psychotic laugh if there ever was one…

Call FOX and ask for this Phoney to be taken off the air
(looks like FOX took him off the air…)


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